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Jen's Interview:

Q: What inspired/gravited you towards this career?

A: I've worked professional with dogs before. And I've always had animals in my life. I knew I wanted to work with animals, and I realized I have a passion in the medical field, so I put two and two together and here I am. 

Q: What training/education do you need for this job?

A: I had to take a vet-tech assitant course in college. Then I had job training when I got hired at this clinic. And I am currently taking an online colege course to get a high degree in vet-tech, which will enable me to do a lot more tasks. 

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: I love that I am able to help/save animals. I like the people and the passion everyone around me has for animals. I think what I like most about my job is that you got to use your brains; I like the challenge. 

Q: What would you like to change about your job?

A: I wish there is more respect and a higher paycheck for veterinarian technicians. Everyone compares veterinarian technicians 

to nurses, but they are not comparable at all, because veterinarian technicians gets paid so much less than nurses. 

Q: Has this industry surprised you in any way, shape, or form? Or did you predict everything like how it is right now?

A: I was very overwhelmed when I first started here since I didn't have any previous experience with any other animal other than dogs before I was hired here. 

Q: Are you satisfied with the work environment/hours you are given right now? 

A: I am, but only with just minor issue, but it was so much worse a few months ago since this clinic was ran by another supervisor. 

Q: What is one thing that you think I should know about this job if I am thinking about going into it as a career?

A: Make sure you don't lose passion for what you do. 

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