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Week 1: The Start

PROMPT: Write about what your initial/preconceived idea of the industry is/was before you started working for your particular company/organization. If you have a point of delineation for where this perspective started, include it.

My initial idea of Veterinary Medicine was not very extensive. I knew that it will take many years in school in order to get my degrees in Veterinary Medicine. I envisioned the veterinarians doing lab work in the clinic and performing surgeries. What sparked my passion in this field was six years ago when I took two stray cats into an animal clinic and got them cleaned up. I am proud to call those two strays my cats now, but I was awed at how knowledgable the veterinarian was. He answered all the questions I had for him and did a bunch of shots and blood work on my cats. As he was performing those tasks, I became attracted to this field of work. I imagined being a vet would mean testing lab work, giving shots, and performing surgery, but as I looked into this industry more, I realized there are a lot more options for a vet than working at an animal clinic. Veterinarians are not only helpful to house pets, they are also important to farm animals and zoo animals.


As for my first week at the clinic I intern at, I realized vets not only have the responsibilities of attending to the animals, but they also answer phone calls, respond to emails, and constantly filing through paperwork. On my first day on site, I assisted the vets on regular check ups for our patients like distracting the dogs when they are getting their nails trimmed and temperature checked. My most vivid memory I had on the first day was when I aided a veterinarian technician taking out some stitches on the paw of a dog. Of course I did not take the stitches out, but I was next to the technician, distracting the dog. Towards the end of the week, a dog patient came in to get her cast changed, and the whole team came together and made her an unique cast.

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