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Week 3: Emotional Week

PROMPT: Who inspires you at your job? What about him/her do you find inspiring? Who, if anyone, disappoints you? Why?

Everyone at the clinic is very inspirational to me; every single one of them are so good at what they do. They are knowledgable, and they can do something that I can’t, which is multi-tasking. If I have to choose one person at the clinic that inspires me, it would be my supervisor. She inspires me for many reasons. One of them would be because she can still laugh everyday while balancing eight things on her plate. She really is a busy woman. Everyday she answers phone calls, emails, surgery, and appointments. Adding on top of that, she also had surgery on her left knee not too long along, so she really shouldn’t be working right now, but she is. I never heard her complain about her injury, and she is always the one bringing laughter into the clinic. She definitely is the most inspirational person to me at the clinic.

Like I said before, I look up to everyone at the clinic, but there is one person at the clinic that is hard to communicate with. She is a technician that seems friendly with the other people that works there, but not with me. I am sure this is because I am new. But in the current situation, I do not enjoy working with her, because unlike other people who directs me in the right direction, she just doesn’t talk to me at all. I am sure she is a great person, but so far, I find her attitude very unprofessional.


This week was a pretty emotional week for me at the clinic. There were many cats that were given up this week either due to old age, or a combination of old age and medical issues. Adding on top of that, a very old german shepherd was put down too. It was emotional because the family came back to the clinic and spent half an hour saying goodbye. Once the family left, the german shepherd started whimpering and crying. That dog wanted to move, but he couldn’t use his legs anymore due to old age. He was crawling. That broke my heart. I sat with him for a while, just petting and talking to him, trying to calm him down, but I wasn’t even calm on the inside. On a brighter note, I was also able to take care of two very adorable patients. One was just neutered, and the other one was just there for support. They were both adorable, and I loved them dearly. It was very sad to watch them leave by the end of the week.

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